Internet Class

Multimedia Internet Class

Section 1: Connecting to the Intenet

The Powerpoint Presentation

Videos for this section

Connecting to the internet

Section 1 assignment 

Section 2: The History of the Internet
My material on the history of the internet is based on work by Chuck Severance

The Presentation

Videos for this section

How an enigma machine works 


Alan Turing at Bletchley Park

The Eniac Computer

The Terminal typecaster

Once upon a punched card

The univac

The birth of the internet

History of the internet

The internet explained

 James May how the internet works

Paul Kunz before there was a web

 Browser Wars

The history of web searching

The Dot Com Bubble

The Web 2.0 people power

Section 2 assignment: there is none this material is used in section 3 assignment

Section 3 HTML 5 and CSS3
Part 1 What is HTML and how do we make it
Part 2 Formating with Html Tags
Part 3 Images, Lists and Tables
Part 4 Links
Part 5 Video
video for part 5
Part 6 styling We also looked at googlefont
Revision using css5 selector styling files below

If you want a bit more styling
CSS box model - Workfile:boxstyling

Workfiles used in section 3 -Right click on links and open in a new tab and download and when downloaded right click and open with notepad++

startrek file

CSS5 selector styling
The Style Sheet
The html file  
html file 2
html file 3
html file 4
seal seal1 seal2 seal3

 The seal image

Videos seen section 3

Type Matters - Font Documentary from Kurt Zisa on Vimeo.

Section 3 Assignment

Section 4

Security and Confidentiality

Excellent Website

Section 4 Assignment